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Criterion Theatre
Laurence Silvester
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Laurence Silvester
Appears as
Laurence Silvester
In 8 Productions
Cast in 1 productions
Crew in 10 productions

Thanks – It Can Damage Your Health (2009)
Lighting – Secret Diary Of Adrian Mole Aged Thirteen and Three Quarters (1993)
Set Building – Secret Diary Of Adrian Mole Aged Thirteen and Three Quarters (1993)
Props Team – Shakespeare Country (1993)
Set Painting – Stagestruck (1993)
Van Construction – Stagestruck (1993)
Props – Plaza Suite (1993)
Props – Saturday Sunday Monday (1992)
Set Construction – Dracula Spectacular (1992)
Set Painting – Dracula Spectacular (1992)
Dancers – Larkrise (1990)
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