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Criterion Theatre

Customer Experience Director - vacancy
25th November

Fancy a chance to get involved in decision making at the Criterion?  Contributing to how the Theatre is run, how we do things and why?

The role of Customer Experience Director will be vacant from January 1st 2021. This voluntary position is an exciting, rewarding and fulfilling role. It plays a key part in how the theatre supports not only their artistic output, but also the social output and involvement within our theatre community. The role itself is surrounded by and supported incredibly well by a number of Managers who run their various departments - the Directors role is very much a strategic position, someone who supports, encourages and influences the direction of the theatre’s customer experience function.

Some of the key areas of responsibility are:

Box office



Front of house

Coffee bar/coffee morning

New members



For an initial chat about the role, or if you’d like to express your interest via email, please contact Nicole Firth on

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