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Criterion Theatre

Props Evening
2nd October from 20:30 to 21:30
In the Bar and Foyer

If you have ever wondered about what 'doing' props might involve, Erica and I will be putting on a small exhibition and talking about the props department and what we do. We have had a lot of fun over the last eleven years or so, and I think I can say that both of us have discovered abilities that we didn't know we possessed. I doubt if Erica had done much in the way of creating severed heads before she joined the team and there isn't much call for making fake blood in librarianship! We didn't know what we could achieve until we tried, and would love to encourage others to join us and discover their own hidden talents. If the idea of getting covered in glue doesn't appeal to you then your skill may lie in sourcing things that we need, which is invaluable. The evening coincides with a new members' evening, so come along and help to make them feel extra welcome. Hope to see you then, Sally.

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